10 Foods should not be taken care of before intimacy

Experts have warned that eating some foods just before the intimacy, because they cause stomach bulges and gas emissions, distracts and worries, so avoid them before emotional encounters or even dating friends.

Cabbage, broccoli, radish and cauliflower are not recommended for prenatal intercourse," said experts, noting that this does not mean that vegetables are generally unpopular foods. The reason is that these vegetables contain Ravinoz and sulfate, the first is a kind of sugar goes directly to the large intestine, which contains the bacteria responsible for the gases, while sulfate is responsible for the smell associated with the gases, then if you eat these vegetables before the intimacy directly may feel The desire to get out gases, which distracts attention and makes you anxious.
The choice of foods plays an important role in the sexual relationship between the couple negatively or positively, some foods make you feel gas and bloating, and the other makes you feel sleepy and inattentive, so it is recommended to avoid those foods, including: Beans: Beans contain the gossacarididis, For digestion, the body can not fully digest it, resulting in abdominal cramps and excess gases.
Onions and Garlic: Garlic and onions are considered to be delicate ingredients, which can be messed with body odor, so make sure that the food is free of these ingredients. If you are planning intimate relationships, this is one of the most important foods to avoid before. Inorganic Soy Products: Soybeans contain isoflavones, called phytoestrogens, so consuming a large amount of it can cause hormonal disorders in both men and women.
Baked Commercial Foods: These foods contain hydrogenated fats and sugar, which lead to increased insulin, which causes the storage of fat in the abdomen and lose the body muscle mass, leading to a decrease in the level of hormone testosterone in men
10 Foods should not be taken care of before intimacy
اطعمة لا يجب اكلها عند ممارسة الجنس

Foods that should not be taken before sex
